Monday, May 7, 2012



This posting is the very start (genesis) of what I have in mind for the whole of what is to follow. I welcome and indeed solicit any and all comment, suggestion, addition and(or) correction that you may see to some particular shared time in our past. Thank You!

The Way I Remember, Perceive/Interpret.
Ted Joe Chandler (1931 ~ 20xx)


(Temp. Entry Format)
            Briefly, this will be a chronicle of the emergence, growth, travels, of the five children of Joseph O. Chandler and Edna L. (Walker) Chandler - - as I, the first of the five children to arrive on the scene, remembered and interpreted all of it.
            Before detailing these times and experiences it is important, in my view, to set up a kind of time line that will define when & where the significant family moves and events took place; call them “Book 1, Book 2,……, etcetera” seems to make some kind of sense for now. These “Books” will begin with the time/date period when I first started remembering, (at three or four years, maybe?).
            In advance, I am thanking you all for your help, input, suggestions, corrections – from Siblings, Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Sons, Daughters, Nephews, Nieces and - - - - -(?)
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BK ONE (1931-1937)
Longmont, Colorado

            I was born (according to the records and what Mom and Dad told me; I don’t remember the event……) on September 4th, 1931 in Longmont, Colorado, US of A.
            My first memories started sometime between age three-and-a-half to five years. My brother, Donald Ortman, was (records, again….., same as above) born on September 14th, 1932. I seem to have some vague memories (neuro/chemical stirrings  in the cranial grey-matter?) about the birth of my sister Ruby Lou, November 5th, 1934.
            When I was between age four and five, Grandpa Chandler went for a walk with me down a dirt road, across a bridge over a lively creek and to an airport.  I had wanted to see up close where we could watch those awesome bi-planes go coughing and sputtering down a bumpy runway and miraculously get into the air safely; very vivid to me even now, with my Grandpa holding my hand. On the way back home we went “skinny-dipping” in the creek; that was in the summer of 1935 (or was it spring of 1936?).
            During that same 1936 spring and summer, my Uncle John let me watch him in his milk house while cranking on the (hand-operated) cream separator, bottling up the milk, cleaning up the equipment and then letting me go with him on one of his daily milk deliveries to his customers around some neighborhoods of Longmont (or was it Boulder ?).
            >>>>>More 1936; My Dad and the school that he was teacher/principal of and the fire-escape tubes….. fun, fun!  
            >>>>>More 1936; Climbing a steep, rocky hill at Grandma and Grandpa Chandlers mountain place in Boulder, Colorado.
            >>>>>More 1936; Longmont city dump….. (fun, dirty and in trouble again!)
            >>>>>More 1936; Learning how to play with my little four-year-old brother, Donny, without nearly lynching him in a game of “spin your little brother with his head stuck through the straps of a pair of bib-overalls” which Mom had hooked on the clothes line for drying (not for the purpose lynching someone! . . . more trouble and more learning).
            >>>>>More 1936; Cutting down neighbor’s new seedling cherry tree and the trouble afterward…….
            >>>>>More 1936; The Longmont sandy beached public swimming lake with slides!
            >>>>>More 1936; Many, many more memories during that spring and summer.
            >>>>>More 1937; Getting ready for the move to South Dakota……..
            >>>>>More 1937; The move to South Dakota, the 1931 four-door Chevy towing a trailer with all our worldly possessions, the flat tire, Dad’s foot injured by the dropping of the heavy trailer hitch on it, the blizzard …….. and much more!
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BK TWO (1937 -1939)

I~ 1937–1938  
Oak Creek, South Dakota
Oak Creek Sioux Indian reservation and Boarding School
(Writings here, TBD)

II~ 1938--1939
Little Eagle, South Dakota
Pine Ridge Sioux Indian Reservation and Boarding School
(Writings here, TBD)